Guidelines for Paper Presenters

Paper presenters should follow the following guidelines:

Content (Live or Recorded Presentation)

  1. Each presentation should not be more than 15 minutes in length. Since time usually goes
    very fast when one is presenting, it would be best to state your key points or findings at the
    outset. Keep your introductory remarks very short (not more than 1 minute) and avoid reading
    every line on your slides.
  2. To ensure that you are able to make a complete presentation within the time allotment, do not
    prepare too many slides. If you spend one minute per slide, then the maximum number of
    slides for 15 minutes is 15 slides. If there is at least one slide that you need to explain a little
    bit, then you should have fewer than 15 slides. Tip: After you have prepared all of your slides,
    review each to see how essential it is to your presentation, and then cut out slides that, on
    review, you find are not so essential. Put key points first in case you run out of time.

                  If you are presenting a recorded video, here are the recommended video specifications:
                  Resolution: 1920×1080
                  Orientation: Landscape
                  Frames per second: 30fps
                  Format: mp4
                  Bit rate: minimum of 900kbps; maximum of 2000kbps

You may also want to check out the following tips on video recording and video conferencing:
1. Audio Management:
2. Lighting and set design:
3. Framing and stabilization:
4.Best practices for video conferencing:

  Download Guidelines